The Science in The Fiction
This is both a science and a science fiction podcast. We dig deep into the biggest ideas in science fiction, using science to elevate the conversation about sci-fi, and sci-fi to promote science education, curiosity and vision. We talk to science fiction authors about the science in their fiction, then talk to scientists about the same topic, and catalyze conversations between the two.
The Science in The Fiction
Ep 24: Peter Watts (Part 1) on Intelligence and Consciousness in 'If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal'
We talk to acclaimed science fiction author Peter Watts about Justin Gregg's book 'If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal'. We ask if the human flavour of intelligence is maladaptive, and other creatures are smarter because they are so well adapted to their evolutionary niche - or are we comparing apples with moon rocks? Ultimately, the question is whether the animal wisdom of bedbugs and crocodilians is going to get them off this planet when the sun goes supernova. Peter expresses his opinion that human intelligence is actually special in this regard. The problems we create with our technological intelligence are due to our minds still being shackled to animal instincts, and if we are to solve our problems we may need to escape from the evolutionary constraints under which our minds evolved.
Echopraxia (rifters.com)
Peter Watts (author) - Wikipedia